Chances are pretty high that somewhen in your life you’ve probably had someone tell you to “just be positive” or “to look on the bright side!”
It definitely happened to me.
But why do we even think negatively at all? Why do we even focus on the negative things? Why don’t we all just walk around with a permanent grin? Or are there perhaps also positive aspects in negative thinking?
Why do we think negative?
Imagine if we were still living in the Stone Age. Dangers lurk everywhere. At any moment you could be ambushed by a dangerous animal or eat a poisonous plant. How much do you think it helps you in this situation to be positive, carefree and with a smile on your face roaming through the woods? Or do you think it might make more sense to be on the lookout for danger around every corner and skip the delicious-looking plant rather than eat it?
All people have a tendency to think about negative experiences more than positive ones. This is an evolutionary development that helps us avoid danger and react quickly in a crisis. But persistent negativity can get in the way of our happiness, increase our stress and worry, and ultimately harm our health. Some people are more prone to negative thinking than others.
Interestingly do women react more strongly to negative feelings than men – both subjectively and neuronally.
The good thing is that you can choose to think positive!
And focusing on which thoughts to choose makes a big difference!
If you’re naturally prone to negative and cynical thoughts, don’t worry. There are plenty of positive-thinking techniques that can help you train your brain to have a brighter outlook in life.
But first things first:
Let’s find out if you are a more positive or negative thinker…
Are you a Positive or Negative Thinker??
Do you normally see a glass of water as half full or half empty?
When you are facing a challenge, do you think of all the things that could go wrong? Or do you think you can manage this challenge well?
Here is a small test to find out if you are more of a positive or more of a negative thinker.
It consists of 19 questions and gives you your positivity score at the end. To receive your score, please provide your name and a valid email address.
What does your score mean?
If you scored between 56 and 76: you are a very positive person. Keep up with it and be happy and proud that you are a genuine positive thinker.You an extremely supportive person to yourself and anyone who you come in contact with – you’re someone whose optimism is a powerful healing force, possible mentally and physically.
If you scored between 26 and 55: you have some potential for being a more positive thinking person. Work on thinking more positive and you will see a difference in your life in no time.
If you scored between 0-25: You tend to be rather pessimistic. This negative thinking you are doing can even have an impact on your health! You should definitely work on the way how you perceive the world. The good news is: you can actively do something about it!
How to boost a more positive approach to life?
Remember, you may not like your life situation or the world around you, but your attitude will also impact your overall health and may determine your life’s future outcomes!
Now, it is up to you, are you satisfied where you stand with your attitude or do seek to improve it wherever you scored?
If you want to improve it, you might get your hands onto my ebook 7 Ways to Boost a Positive Mindset.
In this book I’m talking about the benefits of positive thinking which include a better stress management and even a better physical health to just name a few.
You will also learn to spot 8 typical negative thought patterns which are stopping you from being happy.
And I provide you with 7 ways you can change your thinking to the positive side.
You can get it here for free: 👇👇👇
7 WAYS TO BOOST A POSITIVE MINDSETHere is one of the ways mentioned in the book:
Facing Rejection in a Positive Way
Rejection can happen in lots of ways: in person, online, by phone/text, etc. Sometimes it’s a surprise, and sometimes you know it’s coming. If you never get rejected, you may be living too far inside your comfort zone. However, no one likes to be rejected, but it happens to all of us. Rejection is rarely a problem although how we handle it can be. Studies even show that our reaction to rejection is also based on elements and events from our past, like our attachment history. As a result, how we react to rejection is often equally or even more significant than the rejection itself.
A couple of researchers from Stanford recently found that a person’s basic beliefs about personality can contribute to whether they recover from, or remain stuck in, the pain of rejection. Their studies revealed that individuals who have a so-called fixed mindset and see personality as unchangeable are more likely to blame themselves for a breakup. When they experience a rejection, they tend to second guess and criticize themselves and regard future relationships as less hopeful. On the other hand, individuals who have positive mindset see their personalities as something that can be altered or developed. They are able to look at the breakup as an opportunity to grow and change. They are hopeful that their romantic future will improve, and relationships will get better. So, start to keep rejection in its proper perspective.
Usually, rejection has absolutely nothing to do with you. After getting rejected for a job, a friend of mine learned that the reason for the rejection was that the hiring person considered her and her experience as a potential threat. View rejection for what it really is: someone else’s problem. Don’t make it yours.
If rejection happens too frequently in your life, use it as an opportunity to reflect. What kind of an impression do I make? How do people see me? What areas could I improve on? This is not accepting rejection; it is taking a good, honest look at the situation and taking responsibility for was happens in your life.
Grab your FREE ebook today: 👇👇👇
7 WAYS TO BOOST A POSITIVE MINDSETThanks for reading. You can get more actionable ideas in my popular email newsletter. Each week, I share a motivational email with you to guide you further. Enter your email now and join us.
Hi, I’m Caydee Schwarz and I write about personal development, success and happiness.
Let’s be honest: all of us want to live a happy life and fulfilled life. And every day, a lot of us fail in our attempt to get there. Our thoughts, the right inner attitude and the right knowledge empower us to create our life according to our wishes. Knowing what our mission is and what makes us truly happy is the foundation to a happy and fulfilled life. I’ll help you lay that foundation – so you can live the life you want.