Well-known billionaire investor Warren Buffett once said that the very best investment you can make is one that “you can’t beat, can’t be taxed and one that not even inflation can take away from you.” Buffett adds that “ultimately, there’s one investment that supersedes all others: Invest in yourself. Nobody can take away what you’ve got in yourself, and everybody has potential they haven’t used yet.”
A couple of years ago, I have been sitting together with a friend of mine and he told me, that he wanted to explore himself more and signed up for his first ever personal development seminar. I was positively surprised, as many people just don’t want to “see” what secret potential is hidden inside of them. I remember sitting next to him on wooden lounge chairs in a lovely garden, the sun about to set and I couldn’t help myself but give him a warning: “If you open that door, there is no turning back.”
Personal development is a never-ending quest for fulfilment.
Why did I warn him?
Well, if you start on this journey and open this specific door, you’ll find that you are not able to shut it anymore. On top of that your life will change – to the better!
You will begin to see your life, yourself, and your relationships in a new light.
Personal development is not about material things and money – at least not at the beginning.
It’s mostly about being the best person you can be. It is also not limited to just one area of life.
- What might be the search for a better relationship with your partner, can turn out to be a quest for the right money management system, as this turned out to be the one thing you’ve always been fighting about.
- If you have the goal of being more self-secure you might find yourself looking at how you grew up and what limiting beliefs you’ve gained through your upbringing.
- Not being able to figure out why you are clashing with some colleagues all the time, you might find yourself in the middle of learning different personality types and how to deal with them.
If you want to live a balanced and happy life, letting go of worries and stress, having a better work-life-balance, patting your own back and finding success then personal development is the door you should open. Definitely.
Unfortunately, the problem with many of us is, that we are too busy managing our everyday life, family, job or business that we forget to manage our personal affairs – our goals – we want to achieve in our life. And a lot of times, we don’t even find the time to figure out, what these goals even are.
Here is the thing:
- If you’re not taking care of your needs first, then you won’t have enough energy or time left over for anything or anyone else.
- If you are stressed, this stress will be absorbed and mirrored by your children, and you’ll find yourself in even deeper waters.
- If you have less motivation, then your job performance will decrease.
- If you are unhappy, it will influence your whole life – your relationships, your job/business.
But if you open the door to personal development, there are countless benefits:
– better relationships,
– more happiness,
– increased creativity,
– improved health,
– more success,
– less worries.
And that consequently creates a ripple effect into other areas of your life too.
Personal development is also often used by people to better their financial situation.
You might learn how to handle money in a better way, start your own business, improve your current job, or find the courage to ask your boss for a raise, and/or restore your levels of motivation at work. Each one of these developments can lead to higher levels of income.
Unfortunately, the longer you wait before you act, then you will have more work to do and less happiness along the way.
Don’t underestimate the impact of personal development on your life. It is significant! It’s not just about being happy with what you have – it’s also about how to be the best person possible and finding fulfilment in every area of your life. Therefore, personal development is a life-long journey.
And that is the reason, why I told my friend, that he will never be able to close that door again. The same goes for you and me and everybody else, who has opened or will open that door.
Although you may never reach perfection, this should not discourage you from your pursuit of self-improvement.
And one more thing: Personal development isn’t just about you.
Investing in yourself has a direct impact on other people as well!
Just as you might be inspired by others on a similar path, many will look to you as a source of inspiration and encouragement.
It is hard not to be impressed by someone who has made the decision to do things differently and better themselves somehow.
They see what you have achieved and who you have become.
And they might want to go on that journey themselves.
How do you get started?
What I do with all my 1-on-1 clients is a deep assessment of where in their lives they are and what is bothering them or what they would like to improve.
As this is a session which normally takes 1-2 hours, I at least want to give you a quick start.
You can download my Life-Balance-Wheel workbook here for free and take a short assessment completely by yourself.

The important thing is to be honest with yourself.
Find out, where your life runs smooth and where it could benefit from some improvements.
And then start making a plan how to improve it.
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Hi, I’m Caydee Schwarz and I write about personal development, success and happiness.
Let’s be honest: all of us want to live a happy life and fulfilled life. And every day, a lot of us fail in our attempt to get there. Our thoughts, the right inner attitude and the right knowledge empower us to create our life according to our wishes. Knowing what our mission is and what makes us truly happy is the foundation to a happy and fulfilled life. I’ll help you lay that foundation – so you can live the life you want.