Which of These 5 Money Personality Types Are You?

Which of These 5 Money Personality Types Are You?

Categories: Allgemein

Did you know that we have different money personalities?

Yes, that is right!

There are five different money personalities and you can either be part of one main one or a mixture of some of them.
Find out now which personality you are and do the test below. It only takes about 3 minutes of your time.

Have fun with it!

The Squirrel

squirrel money personality

Squirrels like to save money. And squirrels get really excited about finding special offers and discounts.

The only problem is you take your saving to the extreme. You view money as a means to security and avoid risks for fear that your savings may be wiped out. You tend to have difficulty spending on yourself and even those close to you.

Entertainment, vacations, and even clothing seem like unnecessary expenses.

On the bright side, you manage your money well and plan ahead for unexpected emergencies. You also stick to a budget.

Here is my suggestion for squirrels:

Try to find the balance.

Saving money is not a bad behavior, but excessive saving can lead to discontentment in yourlife.

In addition, hanging onto all your old items is an extreme behavior that can lead to hoarding.

The Owl

owl money personality

Owls know, that money has the potential to grow and you are consciously making efforts toward that goal. You are very happy when you have a lot of money at your disposal to spend, to save, and/or to invest.
And if you don’t have money to spend, save, or invest, you feel unfulfilled.
Because money and self-worth go hand-in-hand for you, you feel unworthy and powerless when there isn’t enough money to go around.
You probably enjoy making your own financial decisions, so it may be quite difficult for you to give up much control to money professionals or even your spouse.

Here is my suggestion:

Keep Up the Good Work!
Financially speaking, you are doing great!

Keep doing what you are doing and continue to educate yourself.

But don’t forget that there is still a life out there to be lived!

The Panda

panda money personality

If you are a panda, having extra money makes you anxious, so you do whatever it takes to avoid becoming too wealthy. You would even refuse a pay raise. You think that money is dirty, that it is bad, and that if you have too much of it, it will corrupt you. In general, you believe that “money is the root of all evil.”

And you just want to be happy.

You would probably avoid investing your money, for fear that it might grow and make you even wealthier.

If you were willing to invest some of it, you would most likely be comfortable only with socially responsible investments that reflected your deeper values and convictions and that contributed to causes you would like to support.
If you lean toward being a Panda, you also fear that having too much money will make you greedy and selfish and that it will cause you to lose your positive human, political, or spiritual ideals and values.

Here is what you can do:

Spending money isn’t such a bad thing, especially if it will help you in the long run. Buying a house, for instance.

By keeping your cash in your savings account, you are actually losing money.
If inflation is at 7%, you are losing 3% of your money every year if you keep it in your savings account and do nothing with it.

The Kangaroo

kangaroo money personality

Money is your source of adventure and freedom. You love taking great leaps of faith and taking risks with your cash.
Saving is there on your mind, but you feel you can reserve it for later.
There’s nothing you like more than jumping from one adventure to the next, because who knows where that might lead you…

If you are a Kangaroo, you enjoy using your money to buy yourself goods and services for your immediate pleasure.

The odds are that you have a hard time saving money and prioritizing the things you’d like in your life.

You probably get satisfaction from spending money on gifts for others. As a result, it may be difficult for you to put aside enough money for future-oriented purchases and long-term financial goals.

You may spend most or all of the money you earn, and you may even be in debt.

Time to change something, right?

Be honest with yourself about how your buying behaviors have affected your finances in the past and your debt balances.

If you discover a potential issue with impulse buying and a lack of control, take steps to curb your problem.

If you have a tendency to overspend, your first step should be to work on a budget. This will help you see how much money is coming into and going out of your household. Also take a list with you when you go shopping so that you’re not tempted to purchase things you don’t need.

If you have trouble sticking to a spending limit with your debit or credit card, use cash instead. When the cash is gone, you know you are done spending for a while.

The Ostrich

ostrich money personality

You prefer not to talk about money and you might have grown up in a house where money discussions were taboo.
Ostriches tend to ignore their finances because they feel overwhelmed.
How are your investments doing?
Does your insurance plan cover you for critical illnesses?
Are your retirement plans on track?
You probably don’t know, right?
You let your bills pile up, you have trouble balancing your checkbook, and your finances are generally a mess.
When your head is buried in the sand, you think all your problems disappear. The thing is you know that that is not really true.
The longer you keep your head down, the bigger your worries will get.

You hate managing your money so much that you’ll do anything you can to avoid daily financial tasks.
But at some point, things need to be addressed.

Why not make a start today?

My suggestion:

Take advantage of technology to simplify your money management and take some stress out of it.
With automated budgeting through apps and bank programs, you will have more control over the situation without putting a lot of effort into it.

The Bottom line:

While you may not be able to change your money personality completely, you can acknowledge it and address the financial challenges that it presents.

Managing your money involves self-awareness.

And knowing where you stand will allow you to modify your behavior to better achieve your financial and life goals.

I was a pretty clear Kangaroo before which also was uneducated and therefore an ostrich, too as I tended to avoid talking about money at all costs. My husband was a true Squirrel. We both got that one through our parents. We modelled our parents.

But after the seminar we attended, we addressed that, we started talking about money and by now I am less of a kangaroo, although I still am one, but we both are more of an owl by now. And we are happy with that.

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